Wednesday 25 September 2013

Storyboarding- What Is A Storyboard?

In our group we are beginning to storyboard our ideas for our music videos and we all asked ourself what is a storyboard and how do you make a good one? We spoke to our teacher and he gave us a lesson on a good storyboard and how to create it. 
A storyboard is a graphical representation of camera shots in a film sequence (in our case a music video). All the shots are joined together to a create a narrative flow in the sequence. You draw images that the scene represents and the lighting,sound,movement,shot number, and timing underneath it to give it information and details about the shot, so when it comes to the day of shooting it is a quicker and easier process for you.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way in which you have introduced the importance of the storyboarding process in relation to your pop music vide. You have identified and explained well the need to visualize the concept and narrative/performance of your band/artist. Youur Storyboarding needs to be completed please and possible post a video on how to storyboard - how important is this to the process of research and planning.
