Thursday, 14 March 2013

Evaluation task 2

Evaluation task 2: how does your product represent particular social groups?

My thriller called 'The Bearing' has many social groups. There is seven main characters that are relevant in the opening title sequence and then there are two who are less relevant in the piece.

1. Maxim Baldry. Maxim is the character in the hoodie who looks shifty at the beginning of the piece and this stereotypically gives the audience the idea that he is not in a high social class and this also stereotypically gives of the idea that he is up to no good. You can also tell that he is being shifty by the way he is looking around and not in a certain place because he is worried that someone might see him, doing something that he shouldn't be doing.

2. Adam Grant. Adam is the character who drives the nice car, and wears the hat. He puts the hat on and covers his face with his hand to try and hide his identity. This shows that he is also doing something wrong as well as the fact that he is looking around vigorously to make sure that there is no one unexpected lurking around. By Adams costume you can automatically assume that he is in a higher social class with his 'country' hat especially.  This makes the audience start to ask themselves questions like why does he look so nervous? why is he covering his face up? etc.

3. Theo Baht. Theo is revealed when Adam leaves the cafe and you see that he is wearing a black beanie (hat) and dark clothes. This gives a negative representation of him because you can tell that he is up to no good with his dark clothes on. I think that Theo looks like he is higher class and he doesn't want to be seen in this operation so he wears dark clothes to try and disguise himself.

4. Kitty Birks. Kitty is only shown in the sequence for a second or two. She is a beautiful lady holding a baby who the audience would think is hers which shows a lovely motherly character. She is not dressed in dark clothes and does not look shifty. She looks happy with her baby. Because of all of this the audience would assume that she may play an important role in the film in some way. It is tricky to tell if she is involved in the plot or if she is in a higher class that the others, but the fact that she is shown in a restaurant with her child shows that she may well be in a higher class than the others.

5. Paul chesterfield. Paul is one of the men who passes around the package. Paul is wearing a hoodie too which again, automatically tells the audience that he is up to no good. He shakes hands with the chef while they do a sly pass over to show that they are doing this together and that they know each other which then tells the audience that this is definitely organised and that there is some kind of plan to this passing of the package. It is difficult to put Paul into a class category because you don't see much of him but because he seems to know the chef and had communication with him it questions to whether he is the one who has been organising this shift passing around. So therefore I would say he is middle to high class.

6. Habeib Fasai. Habeib is a chef from an African ethnicity working in a restaurant in the UK. This helps to put him in a stereotype and it tells the audience that he could easily be part of this plan as he looks powerful, large and in control. This may automatically make the audience scared of him. This scary and powerful stereotype puts the audience in their place and makes them understand that in the film he would not be the man to cross.

7. Hendrik Speelmans. Hendrik is the waiter in the sequence who takes the food out the restaurant. He is not part of the plot he just works there. He is a tall, and smart middle - upper class boy working so i doubt that he knows by serving the food to the man that he has got himself tied up in this scandal to try to poison someone. Hendrik is given a positive representation in the opening sequence because he comes across as just an innocent person doing his job.

 Alot of the characters dont show their face, you just see their back, or if you do see their face ti is only for a couple of seconds because they dont want to be recognised because they are doing something that they shouldnt be doing.

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