Thursday, 14 March 2013

Task 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our perfect audience member would be young (around the ages from 14-32) and into action packed, chasing films. If I had to draw a picture of this member of audience it would be a male, with brown hair and trendy clothing. My tribe would be:

I would say that my tribe would listen too very contemporary music in the charts, but they would also fish out some hidden hits that they would bring to the surface of the music industry. They watch a lot of funny series, maybe one like ‘entourage’ which i think is aimed at the age group that i am trying to target and they would watch films very similar to Shere Vice, like ‘The tourist’ which we earlier related our film too. I think that they would also go and see films like Batman which are very action packed and thrilling. I am not saying that our film is in the same category as Batman but that they are both action packed. 

The people that will come and watch our films are very sociable, have lots of friends, maybe some of them are very clever and do well at school, where as some arent too bothered about school. Some go to work and work in banks in London and have alot of money but still enjoy going to the cinema to see a film. 

For my secondary audience  I would say that they would wait until the film comes out on DVD to watch it...some might spend an evening at the cinema, but not very often. They would be a very homely person who doesnt really like going out that often and would rather sit infront of the TV with a fire watching a film. 

I think that the secondary audience would be around the ages of (35-50) and they might be a teacher, or doctor where they dont have much time to go to the cinema. Someone i have pictured in my head, is a doctor, with a family and a stay at home wife who can buy the DVD for the family. He has a very busy schedule and works all week and wants to stay at home on the weekend and relax.

I would say that our film would either be a certificate 12 or 15. Either of these would be suitable for our film as it means that the younger generation would be able to watch it and understand it. I think that if we rate it at a 12 it would be better than 15 because we don’t want to loose some of our target audience. 

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