Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Evaluation of music video shoot

  • The day before our shoot, we had access to the media studio in the afternoon so we built our three wall set. We also got all the props together and organised them in order of the scenes that we were going to be shooting in, so everything was set and ready for the day! We also printed up our calling list and shooting schedule to make sure we could get shooting as soon as possible in the morning and were organised on the day.
  • When I woke up on the day of shoot, I felt like we were prepared so I wasn’t too worried or nervous. We had done a lot of preparation the day before so we knew what we had to get on with when we got to school. 
  • We were extremely well prepared by the time we started shooting. The only things we needed to do was make sure that all the sets were ready to be swapped over each scene and before we started shooting, we needed to do our actors make up and make sure their costumes were all correct and suitable. 
  • We felt that all of our sets were very realistic and well organised which is what we were going for. The first scene we shot was the graduation. This was a very simple set with blank walls and a camera. 
  • In the group, we all had different roles. Charlie was on the camera filming, I was taking notes throughout the day and I did the play back, Sophia did all the make up, photography and did some camera work and Liv was doing the play back sometimes and was filming with the camera on the tracking shots. We all brought props in for the set.
  • I think that I took thorough notes, that I could reflect back on at the end of the day, making sure our shoot was a success. The notes have also helped a lot with our evaluation. 
  • The main problem we had on the day was time. We were shooting on a friday which is the shortest day of the school week, we finish at 16:30 instead of 18:00. This was annoying because it meant we had a limited amount of time in the studio and we wanted to go on location in the afternoon to shoot our band. Because of the time issue, we had to cut the classroom scene and we had to change the location shoot to on set in the studio instead of in the barn. We ended up doing the band shoot in the studio with a white minimalistic set, but it still looks good!
  • I dont think that we had a specific scene that was more successful than the others. It all went really well.
  • The one part of the shoot that I wish went better, was the fact that we didn’t get to go on location. In the afternoon we were scheduled to go to a barn to shoot the band. We unfortunately didn’t have enough time. So we had to make different plans to shoot the band. It still turned out well, but it was slightly disappointing. 
  • I think that as a group we organised our actors well and we didn’t have any problems with them. We casted them to make sure they were going to be easy going and not too high maintenance. 
  • The part of the shoot that I enjoyed the most, was shooting the band. I think that it was an exciting, up beat and exhilarating atmosphere. It was the easiest to shoot too as the band were straight forward and the lead singer knew his words perfectly. This was the shoot that went the best for us as a group.
  • I think that our production group worked so well as a team. We all agreed on everything that we did, and there was no arguments or complications. We all shared the roles through out the day and there was no specific person leading the way. 
  • I think that the lesson I have learnt, from shooting my music video is that you need to work hard as a team to get stuff done. You need to be extremely well prepared the day before and have your cast 100% confirmed before you start shooting. These are the most important things that I took from my shoot. 
  • Overall I am really happy with my group, and how we worked together. We got everything that we needed to do done and we all contributed to the day. 

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent evaluation of the shoot day. You have clearly reflected on the set-up and design of the shoot and thought about the role that you played on the day. A clear account is made of the digital technologies that you used and you have attempted to evaluate the purpose of this technology. You have demonstrated a clear knowledge and understanding of how the planning of the music video was important to the shoot day and reflected as well on your contribution, so well done. But you need to use images to illustrate what you have achieved.
